This is a poem blog that explores everyday life in a way that is practical and simple


Know your beauty has dazzled me for way too long

And your voluptuous curvy physique makes me guilty


Ever since I fell in love with you

The intimacy has been so sensational


Some people usually have hidden revelations

Which they never want to let go easily in life


The world has become very competitive

The lucky one are the ones who survive


The western showbiz is obsessed with drugs

The motivator that keeps the scene alive

Wednesday, February 4, 2015


Know your beauty has dazzled me for way too long
And your voluptuous curvy physique makes me guilty
Your sweet, bright magical voice scintillates and excites
Your frame is permanently silhouetted in my mind
I usually steal a gaze just to see how fine you are
Your lovely face is full of smile, and innocent
The heart however is unwilling to succumb
Sorry for taking too long to allay my fears
Indeed you glow with radiating brilliance
But my actions betray it all, for I love

The moment’s world it was and I was apart
You would sit down relax and hear me utter you
For you are anchored in the floodlights of cherish
Twinkling among the rest and I see them bow to you
Cowardice will murder me from meeting you my crush
Let me not forget that you are like the star up in the sky
Again I only wish I was a good orator with a baritone voice
So that my delivery wouldn’t be compromised by any obstacle
Humming melodiously a sensual ballad that sweeps you off your feet

With dexterous movement of my hands and feet I would approach
You, and carry you with my masculine hands high above
Maybe I will find you, hiding somewhere ready for me
Then place you on my strong and robust muscled laps 
As I hear you whisper sweet nothings on my ears
After the fun I would give you a sensual hug
Then we will have to part ways for the day
My love is solely for you in billion folds

My pillow is full of tears of despondency
While I write am sorrowful, but solemn inside
I've tried to gather them, even that coveted chance
To tell you that that which is so deep from my heart
I do cry silently but since i am a man I won’t be candid
Your stupendous grace does makes me grow weak inside
Seeing disquiet in your eyes, gorgeous with African beauty
However time has elapsed separating me from the elements
But I again know when it is all said and done this is just a wish
Know every hour I swallow the bitter pills of letting go a beauty


Monday, February 2, 2015


Ever since I fell in love with you
The intimacy has been so sensational
Mind boggling and kind of sparkling
Our attachment is so apprehensive
No guilt feelings a midst in our overture 
Build on the the foundation of premise
Full of vis and peptic energy synergized
This is just between me and you my love
I only fear our Durante vita will be pro tem
For your beauty well astounds many suitors
Who want to elope with you to the unknown

I have to take extra caution however 
You attract kleptomaniacs on the prowl
As such I at times feel insecure with you
That you are addictive and contagious
Every thing in you wows my imagination
Your exquisite features are full of vagaries
When I hold you everyone turn their necks
Sometimes your beauty bewilders even me
I am so much astounded by your pulchritude
Indeed you add life and a smile on my face
And the feeling you give me is unmatched
When with you, I feel like am not a recluse

When I laugh and look at you adorably
I feel so captivated by your swank aura
Often brighter and shimmering with luster
Evoking the culmination of a perfect eerie
Silence only found in epic lits done by gurus
Which sate all the senses and has no demise
You wake me up and keep me on my toes
Completely I am addicted to your fussiness
It makes people think am not sane at times
Yet our union will never be infinite my dear
I hate the complexity of having known you
Way above any John to ideally comprehend

These marks the epitome of my flirtation
Hope my brevity flattered you into giving in
You sung to me all the ballads I wanted
Which to me was like honey is to the mouth
Covertly kept our secrets without exposing
However I must say you will be soon faced out
Vagaries of technology are the main reason
I still keep that feeling of your elder sister
Though above my reach, she is mwaahh
She is not yet out of the woods as such
Waiting for yours truly to infuse just a bit
Then she will be mine as I will leave you

You are very demanding and very costly
Your sister would ever be worse if I compare
I loved her but ended up choosing you in lieu
Her seductive features and penchant for shekels
Maintaining her is again what scares me
But having you is cozy and gives me pride
Among those who have seen you in recent
Even though my pockets are shallow at present
I do everything to satisfy you my dear
I like it as you never complain about life
So when you will gone, I will miss you like crazy
Even when things look bleak you are by my side
Aha! it is not yet over my Samsung Galaxy Ace

Image: Credit